Here’s a few important reminders about what business operators should put in place and be aware of for the start of this 2024 financial year: National minimum wage and award rate Businesses need to be aware that from the first full pay period on or after 1 July, the national minimum wage would increase to […]

IR Reforms: Annual Wage Review Decision See’s Min 5.75% Increase
- OnVenture Pty Ltd
- Hospitality, People, Productivity, Retail, Tax
On Friday, June 2nd, the Fair Work Commission released its annual wage review decision. The Commission has chosen to raise the minimum wages in all modern awards by 5.75%. These increases will go into effect from the first full pay period starting on or after July 1, 2023. Additionally, the National Minimum Wage has been […]

COVID-19 – Supporting Businesses To Retain Jobs (JobKeeper Payment)
Supporting Businesses To Retain Jobs (JobKeeper Payment) OnVenture welcomes the Australian Government’s JobKeeper initiative to subsidise the wages costs of businesses who’s revenue has been significantly affected by the Coronavirus crisis but continue to operate and as to keep otherwise stood down employees connected with their employers in the case of shutdowns. The Australian Government […]

COVID-19 – Temporary Early Access To Superannuation
Temporary Early Access To Superannuation OnVenture welcomes the Australian Government’s stimulus package to introduce financial stimulus measures for business and individuals which has now passed through parliament and includes early access to superannuation. The Government is providing support for individuals to assist them during the next six months. We highly recommend those who are […]

COVID-19 – Income Support For Individuals
Income Support For Individuals OnVenture welcomes the Australian Government’s stimulus package to introduce financial stimulus measures for business and individuals which has now passed through parliment and includes income support for individuals. The Australian Government is providing support for individuals to assist them during the next six months. The following is what I found […]

Super Guarantee Amnesty Is Here – Last Chance!
Super Guarantee Amnesty Is Here – Last Chance! The Government has finally brought the (SG) Super Guarantee Amnesty for employers to fruition. Now that single Touch Payroll (STP) has increased the level of transparency around when employers make SG contributions on behalf of employees it’s an opportune time for employers to make good any outstanding […]

How to reduce staff no-shows
- goRoster
- People, Productivity
As a business owner, you’d be straight on the phone, trying to find a replacement for Dave. Having to bring someone in at short notice will probably cost you a bit more. It could even take you an hour or so to sort out, when you could be spending your time in better ways (like […]

Why thinking negatively isn’t always a bad thing
Willie Nelson, one of my favorite artists, is quoted as saying, “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” With all due respect to The Red-Headed Stranger, I suspect Mr. Nelson was a little off-base when he said this. Not everyone is motivated and successful when they think positively. […]

Changes to the way employees can cash out annual leave
- Employment Hero
- People
The changes are more-or-less the same across most awards, however there are some differences for some specific awards. We would recommend that you review the actual changes made to the awards that apply to your workplace. This may also be the time to have your employment contracts and leave policies reviewed and updated to ensure […]

Five books every manager should read
- simPRO
- People
The topic of good management has been covered over the ages in thousands of different books. Here, we’ve selected the most recent (with the exception of one important classic) and most effective titles to get you on the path to being the best manager you can be, or to simply brush up your management knowledge. […]